2023-10-13 Sailing with Friends

We had another wonderful afternoon/evening on The Chesapeake.  We were able to get away from the dock about 4:15 and motored out into light winds and sailed for a few hours. Incredibly peaceful, told droll stories and had a few snacks and a few adult beverages thanks to our guest.  George and Lucy (his +1), Capt. Meshelle and Karen.  Check out the picture below of George and Lucy, I think they are starting to look alike.  Lucy did great for her first time on a boat.  This was a test for the trip to North Carolina next month.  The weather was beautiful and some great shots of one of the largest sailboat shows in the world in Annapolis Harbor.  Sorry you all couldn’t be there with us.

I’m not sure when the next  SWF will be.  It will be driven mostly by weather.  I’ll be looking for the next nice day for a great sail on the Chesapeake.  Of course, there is no such thing as weather to bad to sail in, the only problem is underdressed sailors.  

I’ll keep you posted

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